@Oran Mor, Glasgow, March 8th 2009
Over the Wall look like they’re having a good time on stage, which, in turn, makes the crowd warm to them and have a good time themselves. The duo of Gav Prentice and Ben Hillman write catchy, slightly eccentric pop songs with a sense of humour. There’s certainly not afraid to experiment either, switching between mandolins, trumpets, keyboards and guitars during their set. Plus, any band that high fives each other during songs knows a thing or two about showmanship!
‘Keyboard heaven’ is a brilliant ode to casio love and new song ‘Angela’ features a mesmeric riff and glorious trumpet flourishes. The magnificent ‘Thurso’ is a superb closer, ending, as it does, on a euphoric distorted guitar and trumpet solo!
Ross Clark is a lad who’s not short of confidence. Along with his band- The Scarfs Go Missing- he gives an assured and accomplished performance tonight, with Clark’s compelling vocals drawing you into his lovelorn songs. Meanwhile the rest of the band create, a full, raucous, accompaniment, with their backing vocals and layers of guitar reverb lending a powerful dynamic to the sound .
It’s tempting to describe it as a Glaswegian take on the Americana of artists like Hank Williams and Ryan Adams, but songs like ‘Silversword’ and ‘Sex Is For Losers’ have their own unique personality. Not only that, he can work a crowd to! Definitely one to watch.
Fresh from being voted the Is this music? best live band of 2008, it’s safe to say that We Were Promised Jetpacks have built-up a strong reputation for delivering the goods, and tonight they don’t disappoint. The slowburning intro to ‘Keep Yourself Warm’ has the crowd’s rapt attention, and as the songs bursts into life its clear we’re in for a scintillating set.
The massive-sounding ‘Quiet Little Voices’ is next, cranking the intensity up another notch with Adam Thompson’s soaring vocals and the guitar pyrotechnics of Michael Palmer. It’s worth mentioning just how tight the band sound with the rhythm section of Sean Smith and Darren Lackie propelling along songs like ‘Roll Up Your Sleeves’ and ‘Moving Clocks Run Slow’ with aplomb.
There aren’t many bands who infuse their music with the same uplifting energy as We Were Promised Jetpacks. Make no mistake folks, their time is now!

Over The Wall myspace
Ross Clark myspace
We Were Promised Jetpacks myspace
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