Thursday, 26 February 2009

Single Review: King of Conspiracy

Alrighty, well the month of February has been a bit low on content, so I thought I'd post some reviews I've written recently for Scotland's premier indie website Is this music? To kick things off, here's a review of the brilliant King of Conspiracy single 'Youth Against Empire'

King of Conspiracy – ‘Youth Against The Empire’ (Catcutter)

Parisian art-punks King of Conspiracy offer-up a blistering blast of primitive energy with their debut single.

Propelled by dancefloor-baiting drums, overlaid with distressed guitars and topped-off with anguished vocals, ‘Youth Against The Empire’ is an uncompromising maelstrom of punk fury. They’re like a super-abrasive version of And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead combined with the trailblazing spirit of At the Drive-In. Comparisons can also be made with the DIY-ethic and blatant anti-commercialism of sadly departed Welsh noise mongers McLusky.

King of Conspiracy sound like they desperately want to start a revolution. What kind of revolution it is, I can’t be sure, but it sounds like fun!

Check out King of Conspiracy on myspace

1 comment:

Andy said...

Alright Gav,

it's taken me a wee while to check it out, but good work with the blog!

i'm not particularly down with new music (and by new i mean anything past 1998!), but i enjoyed the reviews. Keep it up mate!